"No matter what you do, always understand your purpose from day one."

Before David started his own business, he once received this piece of advice from his boss. These words stuck with him long after, and eventually formed the founding philosophy of Day One.

At Day One, we know how daunting it can be to start and maintain a business. Many don’t know where to start – and when they finally do, it often feels like the troubleshooting never ends.

We have years of industry experience and understand HR inside-out, so we aren’t afraid of getting our hands dirty to help clients manage their organisational challenges.

It is our belief that solid human resource management starts from day one, and is imperative to grow and scale any business. We make the most of your investment in Human Resources and increase the efficiency of your manpower, so your business can grow and become resilient against future challenges. To us, anything worth doing is worth going above and beyond.

Meet the Founder

David is a seasoned HR professional, with over 15 years of operational experience in the retail and F&B sectors. He is the founder & CEO of Day One; a savvy practitioner who never fails to provide the best human resource advisory. Always one for a challenge, David derives immense satisfaction from devising solutions to seemingly impossible problems.

When he is not advising clients on restructuring their organisation charts or optimising their incentive packages, he can be found appreciating a glass of wine with friends and knocking out ideas for talent retention. Even at play, business is never far from his mind.

What We Believe In

We believe in helping employers apply sound HR practices to enable continuous businesses growth and treat staff fairly. By applying the right practices, they not only save time and money, but also have the power to create a better culture for their employees and a better life for future generations

Our Vision

Help companies build a future-ready workplace

Our Mission

Enabling business growth and continuity through effective recruitment and practical human resource solutions

Our Core Values
We listen and care.
You can depend on us to DO it.
We respect everyone.
We are flexible.
We speak up for what is right.
Manage your HR the right way with Day One
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